Monday, September 6, 2010

a wet weekend camping

this was the ragamuffin state arkie stayed in all weekend

cal finds the perfect paper-reading spot in the kids' blow up boat

arkie having a meltdown on the beach as she was too cold

aski-pooks looking longingly at the water as he sits in the boat on the grass!

Goodness, it has been a while hasn't it? A two-month long hiatus from pumpenickel-land in fact. Apologies for my absence, too many reasons to go on about but I'm back! We're fresh from a weekend camping at Lennox Heads with our lovely friends the Saunders (big thanks to em for the photos above!) and even though the weather was rather ordinary, it was fabulous. I always find camping refreshes and recharges like no other getaway or break - maybe it's the simplicity of it all? Maybe it's the family time, heightened by the fact that we all sleep together all crammed in to one little tent?? Whatever it is, we love it and have vowed to book in more camping weekends between now and the end of the year.

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