Sunday, April 25, 2010

lest we forget...

ANZAC Day (today) began early for us Battleys with a little trek across town to Gaythorne RSL to watch Grandad Trevor march in the Anzac Parade. Aski learnt all about ANZAC Day at kindy this week so was super keen to see his Grandad march. He was just so proud to stand beside his Grandad, and nearly made it all the way through the service. Trevor was so lovely and gave Aski a special Vietnam badge that he was desperate to show anyone who showed even the slightest amount of interest. Of course, I was absolutely hopeless, tearing up as soon as I saw the veterans marching and then just got worse as the national anthem was played, then the last post, I even had to hold back the tears at the New Zealand national anthem! In all seriousness, it was such a privilege to be a part of the service, and I love that our children will have an appreciation of the sacrifice Australian servicemen have made, and continue to make for our freedom. We are a very, very blessed country.

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