We can't get enough of these blue skies and absolutely perfect temperatures...another day spent basking in the sun.... Just Arkie Parks and me New Farm Park A stack of books to read together Some coffee and snacks Lovely.
Arkie took all these pictures herself (except the one of her of course), quite the little budding photographer.
On a clear day...on a sunday afternoon, one must be outside! And so it was that we ended up at Mt Coot-tha for a spontaneous BBQ last weekend. Blue blue skies Crisp air Wood-fired BBQ Collecting sticks for firewood Sizzling sausages Mmmmm
(no arkie as she was fast asleep in the car right beside our picnic!)
So I finally did it! After much encouragement from friends and family I finally decided to take the risk and sell my 'pumpenickel' kids clothes at a boutique market with my lovely friend Megan earlier this year. Long story short, it was a lot of hard work but lots of fun and great to see my clothes sell. It also motivated me to finally set up an Etsy store which I'm determined to get stuck into in the next little while. I'm currently trying to figure out how to host an Etsy Mini on this blog so stay tuned... A big thanks to the talented Mr Starr from Studio 60 http://www.studio60.com.au for my lovely photos.
Goodness, what is up with me this year!? I have been very slack with my posts for a variety of reasons but I'm determined to get back on track....Here's a belated post with some family snaps from our niece Heidi's dedication. A beautifully styled afternoon of pink, lollies, cupcakes, chocolate crackles, and all things pretty. Thanks Liss for awakening my long-lost love of musk sticks!!