We recently started a new experiment with our dear friends the Larsens...Jen recently started working again and was needing someone to care for her little one Trinity (six months older than Arkie) and I of course am working and had Arkie in an occasional daycare one day a week. What was a long and winding journey (that also originally included Emma's little one, Sienna) looking for a nanny to share, ended up with the best solution ever! Jen's mum, Christine, put her hand up for the job and offered to look after the girls on a monday! So Christine is now our new nanny! So, every monday morning I drop Arkie to Trin's house to stay with her and Christine for the day. Arkie is just beside herself every monday and this week kept saying to me in the car "Hurry hurry Trin's House"!
Christine is absolutely amazing with them and Arkie is learning so much from both her and Trin. They do wonderful things like collecting leaves for autumn crafts, learning how to mix colours with paint, painting with food-dye ice cubs (see above!), sand craft, reading, cutting and sticking collage. I should be paying her quadruple what we are, and if I could I would. She's just amazing. We're trying this arrangement out until Easter and if all works out well, we'll keep doing it. Arkie just adores 'Tristine' as she calls her and I think it's safe to say that monday may well be her favourite day of the week now.