Wednesday, January 26, 2011

First day of prep

The first day of Prep - what a day!
Up at 5.30am, in uniform by 6.00am.
Aski was so excited,
Arkie still convinced she was going to Prep too.
No tears from anyone (I know, very surprising I held myself together!)
Just loads of fun, new friends and exciting things to discover.
I think it's going to be a great year for Aski.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

we found his chubby cheeks again...

A lovely moment yesterday: Aski and I spent (at his suggestion) some time together on the front deck reading.
Aski: Richard Scarry's What Do People Do All Day
Me: Frankie magazine's latest publication called Spaces
He's such a lovely boy
We chatted
And I wondered at how cute he always looks after a haircut (that morning) as we find his cute chubby cheeks again once all that big hair is gone...

desperate rainy days

bowling shoes for the tiniest feet!

loving a new experience

quite the bowler - she got a strike!

happy bowlers...

Many many rainy days at the coast at Christmas meant thinking outside the square for entertaining kiddies....ten pin bowling!
Kids had a ball...
I bowled terribly and found the excuse of my 'bung' finger to take the blame.
Cal showed there is no end to his sporting ability and nailed the game of course.
Arkie got a strike!
Lots of fun really.

Apologies for the lack of Christmas Day photos. I've lost my camera which has all our Christmas photos on board...hopefully it shall return home soon. Please excuse the bad quality photos for a while, all taken on my iphone.